基因芯片技术服务 DNA甲基化芯片 DNA羟甲基化芯片 ChIP-chip |
NGS测序技术服务 DNA甲基化测序 DNA羟甲基化测序 染色质免疫共沉淀测序 |
TMT标记定量技术 非标定量技术 |
蛋白修饰 TMT标记定量磷酸化 非标定量磷酸化 |
RNA/蛋白-蛋白相互作用 RNA-蛋白相互作用 蛋白-蛋白相互作用 |
丹麦Exiqon公司致力于microRNA研究领域,为研究者提供一套完整的microRNA研究体系。康成生物提供Exiqon芯片技术服务的同时,亦可为您定购miRCURY LNATM系列产品,包括Knockdown探针、Northern探针、原位杂交探针和实时定量PCR系列试剂。
miRUCRY LNA Knockdown探针标记类型 |
knockdown probe, ready to label |
knockdown probe, 5’ or 3’ -amino labeled |
knockdown probe, 5’ or 3’-fluorescein labeled |
miRCURY LNA™ microRNA原位杂交探针
对miRBase记录和注释的所有物种(包括脊椎动物,无脊椎动物,植物等)的microRNA,Exiqon均提供相应的LNA™ microRNA 原位杂交(in situhybridization)探针;探针采用了LNA™锁核酸技术并进行了优化,序列特异性强,有效消除二级结构和避免探针自身退火;探针灵敏度高,特异性强,可检测低丰度的microRNA;探针标记方式灵活多样,可满足研究者的不同实验需要。
miRUCRY LNA原位杂交检测探针标记类型 |
In situhybridization detection probe,ready to label |
In situhybridization detection probe,5’ or 3’-DIG labeled |
In situhybridization detection probe,5’ or 3’-amino labeled |
In situhybridization detection probe,5’ or 3’-biotin labeled |
In situhybridization detection probe,5’ or 3’-fluorescein labeled |
In situhybridization detection probe,3’ and 5’-DIG labeled |
miRCURY LNA™ microRNA Northern杂交探针
对miRBase记录和注释的所有物种(包括脊椎动物,无脊椎动物,植物等)的microRNA,Exiqon均提供相应的LNA™ microRNA Northern杂交探针;探针采用了LNA™锁核酸技术并进行了优化,序列特异性强,灵敏度高,并有效消除了二级结构和探针自身退火的形成;采用LNA™ microRNA Northern杂交探针,样本总RNA最低只需2.5µg。
miRUCRY LNA Northern杂交检测探针标记类型 |
Northern blotting detection probe,ready to label |
Northern blotting detection probe,5’ or 3’-DIG labeled |
Northern blotting detection probe,5’ or 3’-amino labeled |
Northern blotting detection probe,5’ or 3’-biotin labeled |
Northern blotting detection probe,5’ or 3’-fluorescein labeled |
miRCURYTMLNA knockdown探针的主要优点
该图显示的是针对hsa-mir-21的完全配对knockdown探针和错配的knockdown探针的抑制能力。pMIR-21报告基因的上调倍数是不同程度的miRCURYTM LNA knockdown错配探针与对照相比得出的结果。实验所用的是Hela细胞,转染24小时后用Dual-Glow™ Luciferase检测报告基因的表达水平。
miRCURYTM 原位杂交检测探针主要优点:
• 高灵敏度,可以检测普通oligo探针检测不到的微量miRNAs。
• 覆盖所有已知的miRNAs。
• 高特异性,能够区分单碱基或2个碱基差异的miRNAs。
• 适应多种标记方法,如DIG、生物素、荧光。
• 提供完整的实验步骤。
图 1、miRNA-122a是肝细胞特异表达的,本图用miRCURYTMmiRNA-122a检测探针对小鼠肝细胞miRNA-122a(红色)进行检测。DNA(蓝色)用DAPI标记。
图2、用miRCURYTM miRNA-124a探针检测人脑颞侧皮质的miRNA-124a的表达水平。所用的标本为甲醛固定、石蜡包埋的切片。
Product Type | Product No. | Storage Temp |
miCURY LNA microRNA inhibitor |
miRCURY LNA microRNA inhibitor, 1 nmol | (4100001-4104908)-000 | -20℃ |
miRCURY LNA microRNA inhibitor, 5 nmol | (4100001-4104908)-001 | -20℃ |
miRCURY LNA microRNA inhibitor, 15 nmol | (4100001-4104908)-002 | -20℃ |
miRCURY LNA microRNA inhibitor, 5 nmol, 5`-fluorescein labeled | (4100001-4104908)-011 | -20℃ |
miRCURY LNA microRNA inhibitor, 5 nmol, 3`-fluorescein labeled | (4100001-4104908)-021 | -20℃ |
miRCURY LNA Power microRNA inhibitor, 1 nmol | (4100001-4104908)-100 | -20℃ |
miRCURY LNA Power microRNA inhibitor, 5 nmol | (4100001-4104908)-101 | -20℃ |
miRCURY LNA Power microRNA inhibitor, 15 nmol | (4100001-4104908)-102 | -20℃ |
miRCURY LNA Power microRNA inhibitor, 5 nmol, 5`-fluorescein labeled | (4100001-4104908)-111 | -20℃ |
miRCURY LNA Power microRNA inhibitor, 5 nmol, 3`-fluorescein labeled | (4100001-4104908)-121 | -20℃ |
miRCURY LNA microRNA inhibitor negative control A, 1 nmol | 199006-000 | -20℃ |
miRCURY LNA microRNA inhibitor negative control A, 5 nmol | 199006-001 | -20℃ |
miRCURY LNA microRNA inhibitor negative control A, 15 nmol | 199006-002 | -20℃ |
miRCURY LNA microRNA inhibitor negative control A, 5nmol, 5`-fluorescein labeled | 199006-011 | -20℃ |
miRCURY LNA microRNA inhibitor negative control A, 5nmol, 3`-fluorescein labeled | 199006-021 | -20℃ |
miRCURY LNA microRNA inhibitor negative control B, 1 nmol | 199007-000 | -20℃ |
miRCURY LNA microRNA inhibitor negative control B, 5 nmol | 199007-001 | -20℃ |
miRCURY LNA microRNA inhibitor negative control B, 15 nmol | 199007-002 | -20℃ |
miRCURY LNA microRNA inhibitor negative control B, 5nmol, 5`-fluorescein labeled | 199007-011 | -20℃ |
miRCURY LNA microRNA inhibitor negative control B, 5nmol, 3`-fluorescein labeled | 199007-021 | -20℃ |
miRCURY LNA microRNA Power inhibitor negative control A, 1 nmol | 199006-100 | -20℃ |
miRCURY LNA microRNA Power inhibitor negative control A, 5 nmol | 199006-101 | -20℃ |
miRCURY LNA microRNA Power inhibitor negative control A, 15 nmol | 199006-102 | -20℃ |
miRCURY LNA microRNA Power inhibitor negative control A, 5nmol, 5`-fluorescein labeled | 199006-111 | -20℃ |
miRCURY LNA microRNA Power inhibitor negative control A, 5nmol, 3`-fluorescein labeled | 199006-121 | -20℃ |
miRCURY LNA microRNA Power inhibitor negative control B, 1 nmol | 199007-100 | -20℃ |
miRCURY LNA microRNA Power inhibitor negative control B, 5 nmol | 199007-101 | -20℃ |
miRCURY LNA microRNA Power inhibitor negative control B, 15 nmol | 199007-102 | -20℃ |
miRCURY LNA microRNA Power inhibitor negative control B, 5nmol, 5`-fluorescein labeled | 199007-111 | -20℃ |
miRCURY LNA microRNA Power inhibitor negative control B, 5nmol, 3`-fluorescein labeled | 199007-121 | -20℃ |
Product name | Product No. | Storage Temp |
miRCURY LNA™Detection probe, 1 nmol, ready to label | 610000-689999-300 | -20℃ |
miRCURY LNA™Detection probe, 1 nmol, 5'-DIG labeled | 610000-689999-340 | -20℃ |
miRCURY LNA™Detection probe, 1 nmol, 5'-biotin labeled | 610000-689999-370 | -20℃ |
miRCURY LNA™Detection probe, 1 nmol, 5'-fluorescein labeled | 610000-689999-310 | -20℃ |
miRCURY LNA™Detection probe, 1 nmol, 3'-DIG labeled | 610000-689999-350 | -20℃ |
miRCURY LNA™Detection probe, 1 nmol, 5'-DIG and 3'-DIG labeled | 610000-689999-360 | -20℃ |
miRCURY LNA™Detection probe, 1 nmol, 5'-fluorescein and 3'-fluorescein labeled | 610000-689999-330 | -20℃ |
Product name | Product No. | Storage Temp |
Custom miRCURY LNA™ Detection probe, 1 nmol, ready to label | 699999-300 | -20℃ |
Custom miRCURY LNA™ Detection probe, 1 nmol, 5'-DIG labeled | 699999-340 | -20℃ |
Custom miRCURY LNA™ Detection probe, 1 nmol, 5'-biotin labeled | 699999-370 | -20℃ |
Custom miRCURY LNA™ Detection probe, 1 nmol, 5'-fluorescein labeled | 699999-310 | -20℃ |
Custom miRCURY LNA™ Detection probe, 1 nmol, 5'-amino labeled | 699999-390 | -20℃ |
Custom miRCURY LNA™ Detection probe, 1 nmol, 5'-TYE563 labeled | 699999-330 | -20℃ |
Custom miRCURY LNA™ Detection probe, 1 nmol, 5'-TYE665 labeled | 699999-360 | -20℃ |
Custom miRCURY LNA™ Detection probe, 1 nmol, 3'-DIG labeled | 699999-350 | -20℃ |
Custom miRCURY LNA™ Detection probe, 1 nmol, 3'-biotin labeled | 699999-380 | -20℃ |
Custom miRCURY LNA™ Detection probe, 1 nmol, 3'-fluorescein labeled | 699999-320 | -20℃ |
Custom miRCURY LNA™ Detection probe, 1 nmol, 5'-DIG and 3'-DIG labeled | 699998-341 | -20℃ |
Custom miRCURY LNA™ Detection probe, 1 nmol, 5'-biotin and 3'-biotin labeled | 699998-371 | -20℃ |
Custom miRCURY LNA™ Detection probe, 1 nmol, 5'-fluorescein and 3'-fluorescein labeled | 699998-311 | -20℃ |
Custom miRCURY LNA™ Detection probe, 1 nmol, 5'-fluorescein and 4'-fluorescein labeled | 699998-391 | -20℃ |
Custom miRCURY LNA™ Detection probe, 1 nmol, 5'-fluorescein and 5'-fluorescein labeled | 699998-331 | -20℃ |
Custom miRCURY LNA™ Detection probe, 1 nmol, 5'-fluorescein and 6'-fluorescein labeled | 699998-361 | -20℃ |