

MyoD1 suppresses cell migration and invasion by inhibiting FUT4 transcription in human gastric cancer cells . Cancer gene therapy . 2019

GATA3-dependent epigenetic upregulation of CCL21 is involved in the development of neuropathic pain induced by bortezomib. . Molecular Pain . 2019

Targeting TRPV1 on cellular plasticity regulated by Ovol 2 and Zeb 1 in hepatocellular carcinoma . Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy . 2019

Multi-generational obesogenic effects of sulfomethoxazole on Caenorhabditis elegans through epigenetic regulation . Journal of Hazardous Materials . 2019

MS-275 induces hepatic FGF21 expression via H3K18ac–mediated CREBH signal . Journal of molecular endocrinology . 2019

Targeting TRPV1 on cellular plasticity regulated by Ovol 2 and Zeb 1 in hepatocellular carcinoma . Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy . 2019

Effect of He Qi San on DNA Methylation in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients with Phlegm-blood Stasis Syndrome . Open Chemistry . 2019

Interplay of miR-137 and EZH2 contributes to the genome-wide redistribution of H3K27me3 underlying the Pb-induced memory impairment . Cell death & disease . 2019

Silencing of tumor‐suppressive NR_023387 in renal cell carcinoma via promoter hypermethylation and HNF4A deficiency . Journal of cellular physiology . 2019

SP1 regulates KLF4 via SP1 binding motif governed by DNA methylation during odontoblastic differentiation of human dental pulp cells . Journal of cellular biochemistry . 2019

Elevated histone H3 acetylation is associated with genes involved in T lymphocyte activation and glutamate decarboxylase antibody production in patients with type 1 diabetes . Journal of diabetes investigation . 2019